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CongratulationS to Tessa Toman - our 2024 St Lucie County Fair Queen!

1st Runner Up Summer Wayne

2024 Queen Tessa Toman

2nd Runner Up Emma Wickham

The 2025 FAIR QUEEN Contest!

Wednesday, February 26th
WPBF-TV Center Stage
(in front of the Adams Arena)
Please enter through back gate off Peacock Rd.
The public is welcome to this event.
Free Admission!

2025 FAIR QUEEN Application

2025 St Lucie County Fair Queen Application

All contestants must be currently enrolled in a
St. Lucie County School and in 9th, 10th or 11th grade.

This contest is NOT a beauty pageant. We are looking for a natural born female with good moral character, an outgoing personality, and who is involved in our community, along with an agricultural background.

The Fair Queen and Court will attend the functions of the Fair through all 10 days. They are also required to attend a minimum of 6 events throughout the reigning year. If you have several other commitments, please take this into consideration.

The Fair Queen’s main priority is to the St. Lucie County Youth Livestock Program. Some of her duties require her to take pictures for our livestock awards and sales. This includes but is not limited to pigs, steers, and goats.

The Fair Queen and Court are required to follow the St. Lucie County Youth Livestock’s dress code while attending the St. Lucie County Fair and other Fair related events unless otherwise stated. During the 10 day fair, the Queen & Court are required to wear button-down shirts or blouses with nice, no ripped jeans, unless otherwise discussed.

Carefully review the application regulations and deadlines. We are looking for individuals that would be proud to represent this county. We look forward to meeting all applicants.

Contest attire is:

Long jeans (no holes), long sleeve button down shirt, belt, and closed toe boot style shoes.

Contestants may wear cowboy hats but be aware if you win you may need to take it off to put your crown on.

Judging Procedure

Judges will receive and review all applications prior to the contest. If there is a need for a tiebreaker, the application score will be used to determine a winner.

Preliminary - Each category is worth 20%.

  • Application
  • Participation
  • First Impression
  • Stage Presence
  • Question and Answer

Semi Finalist- During the Semi Finalist round all other scores start at zero (0).

  • Stage Presence
  • Question and Answer
Application Deadline Friday, January 31st at Midnight

Application Tips, Suggestions and Reminders

  • Type or neatly hand write application.
  • Make sure the 100 word minimum essay is thought out and makes sense. Have someone proof read it.
  • Double check grammar and spelling on completed application.
  • List everything about you that is applicable.
  • Your minimum requirement can be as simple as “that you attend the fair.”
  • The more the information you include the better. This will make the judges feel as if they know who you are as person before the contest.
  • Remember, this is not a beauty contest. We tell the judges that we are looking for young girls that have good moral character, personality, community involvement and a agricultural background. The more they know about you as a person the better.

You do not need to have any involvement in the fair to be a contestant. Your involvement can be as simple as you attend the fair. The application will be judged as part of this contest. It comes out to be 20% of the preliminary score. This will be the judge’s first impression of you. Some judges take the application process very seriously. We advise you to put together a well thought out and neat/professional application. Be very creative but only include required information. Thank you.

Personal Information

Grade in School
Choose one

Document Uploads

This part of your application must be completed on a desktop or laptop computer, in order to upload your Letters of Recommendation and Essay you must upload a PDF file, no larger than 5 MB. If you're unable to submit your application via computer, please bring your complete application and documents to the first meeting.
Letter of Recommendation please upload a PDF file
Letter of Recommendation please upload a PDF file

Interests & Plans

2025 Contest Rules and Regulations “Contestant Contract” Acknowledgement *MUST CLICK

Gifts and Other Incentives

The St. Lucie County Fair will provide the following:

  • A Jacket or Sweater with the St. Lucie County Fair logo embroidered along with the Fair Queen's name.
  • A belt buckle with the year or reign.
  • $1,000 scholarship to the college of her choice. This scholarship may be used within 2 years after graduation.
  • Memorable gift.
  • $400 prize money.
  • $200 prize money.
  • Memorable gift.
  • $100 prize money
  • Memorable gift
  • $50 prize money
  • Memorable gift

The Queen, The Court, and Miss Congeniality will all receive Bouquets of Flowers, Sashes & Tiaras.

Application Requirements

  1. Application Form*
  2. Contestant information*
  3. Contestant’s Contract, Rules and Regulations
  4. Two letters of Reference Explaining Community Involvement*
  5. Proof of current year in school (grade)
  6. $15.00 sponsor fee
  7. A 100 word minimum typed essay on “Why you want to be the St. Lucie County Fair Queen”*

Please note that only the starred* items will be submitted and reviewed by the judges. Any other items will NOT be submitted. Please NO SELF PORTRAITS!

“1 thru 7” must be turned in by the Application Deadline!

NOTE: You can not save this application in this website. You must complete it all at once.


Important information

Practice Days

MANDATORY Practice is held at:
St. Lucie County Fairgrounds
15601 West Midway Road
Fort Pierce, FL 34945
*** Please enter through the Peacock Road entrance**
Typically, we are in one of the community buildings. We will post a note at the fair office where you can find us.

Parent/Contestant Meeting Sunday, February 9th @ 4:00 pm
There will be a notary available that day. Sponsorship fee will be collected on this date.

Regular Practice Schedule
Sunday, February 16 @ 4:00 pm
Sunday, February 23 @ 4:00 pm *Please bring the shirt you are planning on wearing during the contest.

Mandatory Final Rehearsal
Tuesday, February 25 @ 6:00 pm

Wednesday, February 26 @ 6pm Center Stage

*The Fair Queen contest has become the kickoff to the Fair! Please feel free to invite family and friends to attend the contest. There is no cost to attend.
All practices are MANDATORY unless you have received prior approval by email or text. Applicants who miss any practice unexcused will be dropped from the contest.

********** Practice times and places are subject to change**********


1969 Dru Hilson
1970 Gwendolyn Atkinson
1971 Kay Boree
1972 Penny Hoskins
1973 Emily Cooper
1974 Dee Furst
1975 Kit Bedell
1976 Renee Bryant Boyd
1977 Denise Crist Alman
1978 Cindy Skaggs Williams
1979 Lori Jackson
1980 Janie Vickers Hightower
1981 Carla Barrow
1982 Susan Strangehoener
1983 Debbie Hearn
1984 Wendy Vickers Johns
1985 Patricia Hardman
1986 Tracy Murphy Carlton
1987 Kelly Holmes
1988 Lisa Hamner
1989 Sharman Carter
1990 Kimberly Marsocci
1991 Tracy Groghan Daves

1992 Julie Smith Woodward
1993 Christine Pallas
1994 Wanda Smith
1995 Summer Ivey Platts
1996 Natasha Russakis Rivas
1997 Christie Crooks
1998 Lee Ann Williams
1999 Cherly Waters
2000 Amanda Noelke
2001 Ashley Leet
2002 Lauren Unger
2003 Ashley Vickers
2004 Allyson Hayes
2005 Ashley Ward
2006 Kaitlyn Mulvey
2007 Lee Ann Hamrick Harriman
2008 Jenna Williams
2009 Mariah Singley
2010 Kelci Guettler
2011 Morgan Johnson
2012 Taylor Norvell
2013 Chelsea Prestridge

2014 Allison Russakis
2015 Haley Netherton
2016 Lauren Macon
2017 Nikki Ooley
2018 Kloie Morgan
2019 Brooke Adams
2020 Rhiannon Smith
2021 Emma Grace Chancey
2022 Berkley Barnes
2023 Karsen King
2024 Tessa Toman

Thank you to our Sponsors!

Carroll Collins Bail Bonds
Lined Up Parts and Apparel LLC
Greenland Nursery East Inc
Dunn's Tractor Service
Cactus Moon Dance Club, Inc.
Sweet's Jewelers
JBR Exteriors Inc
Giordano's Floral Creations
Relentless Hair Salon
Future Generations, Inc
Paul Jacquin & Sons Inc
Abercrombie's Land Services
  • Susan Wilson
  • Brandi Savoy
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